söndag 20 november 2011

I wrote a fucking sonnet

Here it is.
The sonnet.

(Can you tell how monotonic my voice is?)

Stop reading my voice in monotone, okay? ^__ ^

My first try at writing a sonnet:

They gave me a blindfold
And sent me straight into battle
While I'd rather have tea in my castle
Quite frustrating if truth shall be told

Like a slave I was sold
All the soldiers rounded up like cattle
Making an awful rattle
How horrible that I am now a soldier enrolled

Fortuna has yet to smile upon me
If I die, whom will I wake up to be?
Minute into hours, into days we wait

My castle now so very far away
Isn't there someone I can pay?
Oh, what a gruesome fate!

So, any comments? I appreciate feedback, like a lot.

Thanks for reading!

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